
A Good Day’s Work

A song intended to relax the mind after a long day at work. A beautiful flute melody.

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Accidental Melody

An “accidental” in music is a note which does not normally appear in a song of a certain key (could be a flat, sharp or natural). This song has a melody which includes accidentals. Played on flute and oboe.

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Accidental Melody (piano)

An “accidental” in music is a note which does not normally appear in a song of a certain key (could be a flat, sharp or natural). This song has a melody which includes accidentals. This is the piano version, with soft clarinet accompaniment. A piano only version is included when you buy.

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All Things Pass

This is a funereal march, but not one of a particularly somber tone. It is intended to be a bit uplifting. Played on the flute and the oboe.

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Always And Ever (with lyrics)

A simple but lovely melody played on the clarinet..

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At First Sight (with lyrics)

A majestic violin melody celebrating love at first sight (see lyrics).

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At Once (with lyrics)

An uplifting, complex and beautiful violin melody, celebrating love that was found “at once”, i.e. instantly at first sight.

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Chase The Wind (with lyrics)

A breezy melody played on the clarinet and guitar. Music For Mature Souls has just a couple of guitar pieces, because guitar is hard to simulate in software. Get the lyrics when you purchase.

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Cute Cobra (with lyrics)

A song about fatal attraction, with tongue in cheek lyrics. Played on the clarinet. You really need to see the lyrics to appreciate this piece.

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Daydreamer Waltz

It starts slowly, as if in a daydream, then slowly gets more restless as our daydreamer slowly awakens.. Played on the violin.

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