
Love Theme 15

A slow, restrained but pretty melody, played on the violin.

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Love Theme 16

An understated but elegant theme, this is played here on violin.

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Love Theme 17

A plaintive melody, played on strings..

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Pure Heaven (with lyrics)

A lovely piece, which starts at a leisurely pace and then reaches the climax in the final minute. “True love is how we get to heaven. pure heaven, pure heaven on earth.”.

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Little One (with lyrics)

A short but pretty lullaby, played on the flute.

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Someday (with lyrics)

Someday. Someday my luck will improve. “Someday I will break thru the clouds. Someday, I will conquer my doubts. Some fine day, when I find a way of breaking the chains in my mind” (oboe).

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Starting Over (with lyrics)

A pretty love song about a relationship described in nautical terms. Get the lyrics as well when you buy. Played on the violin..

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The Very Best Part Of Me (with lyrics)

A sweet, leisurely melody to this song, which concludes “The very best part of me is you”. Played on the violin.

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This Old Heart Of Mine (with lyrics)

An old fashioned tune, played on the violin..

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I’ll Never Complain Again (with lyrics)

A lively violin melody with tongue in cheek lyrics.

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