
Pure Michigan (with lyrics)

Michigan has no real state song, so the composer wrote this (lyrics if you buy). A unique, distinctive melody, played on violin, flute and oboe.


Pure Michigan (piano) (with lyrics)

The piano version embellishes the melody with a countermelody.. The song is lively and unmistakable. This would make a great state song for Michigan...


Right On The Verge Of Love (with lyrics)

A soaring, beautiful song played on strings and on flute. An additional oboe version is included for comparison.


Song Of The Earth (with lyrics)

This is a love song to the planet we call home. A grand theme with lofty ambitions, played by the strings. The lyrics are particularly important in this song. Get them when you buy.


Sweet Angeline (with lyrics)

An old fashioned love song to former love “sweet Angeline”. “Take me back Angeline, take me back in your arms All I have, all I am I will give to you”. Played by the strings.


Sweet Dreams To You

A sweet bedtime melody, played on the flute.


Sweet Sensations (with lyrics)

A straightforward love song which starts wistfully and finishes briskly in the verses “Sweet sensations, that’s our only request. Sweet sensations. Won’t take anything less”. Played on oboe and flute.


Sweet Sensations (piano) (with lyrics)

The piano arrangement.


Sylvia’s Theme

A spirited theme for the composer’s cousin Sylvia. Played on flute.


Take My Troubles Away (with lyrics)

This song has thoughtful lyrics and a memorable melody, and is played on the oboe.
