
Already On My Way (with lyrics)

A smooth, uplifting melody played on strings. “When you call for me, I will be there”.

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Anyway (with lyrics)

A clumsy attempt at forming a relationship by someone often lost for words. The words finally come as the song progresses. “But you probably knew that anyway”. Played on the violin.

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Destiny (with lyrics)

About a girl named “Destiny”, and her destiny. Played on the oboe.

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Journey’s End (with lyrics)

This song celebrates the life of the deceased, and could be used at a wake. “Now that the curtain’s falling, now that the song is fading, now in the light of grace we pray you rest sweetly in salvation’s arms”. Played on violin.

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Love Theme 10

This theme has an ethereal feel and a signature musical phrase which debuts about 50 seconds into the piece. It is played on the flute.

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Sinners, Critics And Fools (with lyrics)

This song has some tongue in cheek lyrics, and is played on violin.

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Come On Baby (with lyrics)

A pop song with a snappy melody, played on clarinet and guitar. Get the lyrics when you buy.

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People Don’t You Know What’s Going On (with lyrics)

A sarcastic comment on complacency in modern times. Played on violin and flute. The lyrics should make people rethink how we are abusing our world.

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Old Faithful (with lyrics)

This song celebrates our connection to our lifetime partners. A sweet old fashioned melody, played on flute and violin. “Old Faithful, Old Faithful, that has a lovely sound. Old Faithful, Old Faithful, I think I’ll keep you around.”

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Simply Wonderful

An exuberant waltz on violin with varying musical phrases appropriate to feeling simply wonderful.

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The Story Of You And Me (with lyrics)

A sentimental old fashioned melody on the violin. Get the lyrics when you buy.

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Here Comes The Band

The only pure march in the collection. It is a lighthearted affair which the band will no doubt enjoy playing

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Innocence Lost (with lyrics)

This song inspired the “Music For America” collection (see button below). It concludes ” Innocence lost. That’s the way we are. Can’t ever go back to the way we were”. To get this song, first click the “Music For America” button below to preview the collection. Sold as part of the collection only.